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Isaac Davenport of St Vedast

Isaac Davenport




St Vedast

Researched by Mary Milne-Day

Isaac Davenport was not related to John Davenport. He was probably born in Kibworth Beauchamp, Leicester and in 1689 was apprenticed to a goldsmith, Thomas Allen, in Gutter Lane. In 1695 Isaac married Elizabeth Columbine at the church of St James Duke’s Place and became a freeman of the Goldsmiths in 1696/7.

Their first child Thomas was baptised at Christ Church in Newgate Street, but was buried at St Vedast in 1699. Isaac and Elizabeth had another 12 children, all baptised at St Vedast, but four of these were buried there having died in infancy. Two daughters, Rebecca and Jane Sarah, were buried as infants in Enfield where they were probably being wet-nursed.

Isaac had three hallmarks registered at Goldsmiths, two as a ‘largeworker’ and one as a ‘smallworker’. In the registers he is variously described as goldsmith, silversmith and spoon maker. He worked at the sign of the Blackmoor Head in Gutter Lane and is shown in the tax records there until 1718. In 1731 he was at the Queen’s Head by St Clement Danes and was a vestryman between 1723 and 1750. He was buried there on 10 April 1752.

Goldsmith - Goudsmid, Jan Luyken, 1694 - Rijksmuseum


Local churches were the focal point of sixteenth-century City life. Weekly worship and all the milestones of parishioners’ lives took place here: christenings, marriages and funerals. Many churches were lost in the Great Fire.

Read the stories of four that either survived or succumbed to the flames, and how they reemerged from the ruins.

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