St Stephen Walbrook

39 Walbrook


St Stephen Walbrook has a rich heritage dating back to either 700 or late 980. The site was built on the foundations of the Roman Temple of Mithras.

After the Great Fire, Sir Christopher Wren rebuilt this parish church. Wren lived at number 15 Walbrook, making this his local church. The church’s dome was the first to be built in England and the church remains one the most unique of Wren’s churches. The design is said to be based on Wren’s original designs of the St Paul’s Cathedral.

By the 18th century, St Stephen was world famous, the Italian sculptor/architect Antonio Canova declaring, ‘We have nothing to touch it in Rome.’ And the architectural historian Nikolaus Pevsner lists it as one of the ten most important buildings in all of England. Sir John Sommerson describes the church as the ‘pride of English architecture.’

The building is uniquely structured with a 19-metre dome centred over twelve columns. The bright white interior of the church is matched by the stunning massive white polished stone alter in the centre, built by Henry Moore in 1987.

The church was the wedding venue for Lady Sarah Armstrong-Jones, the only daughter of Princess Margaret.

St Stephen stands as one of the most unique and picturesque of the churches in London and is a must to visit if you are in the area.

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